Three Ways Security Officers Improve Your Bottom Line

Whereas the business community has historically viewed them as luxuries, private security officers have become necessary components of 21st Century operations management. Failing to acquire security services puts your business at a competitive disadvantage and courts disaster.

Security officers obviously improve the safety of your workspace, but they also provide a number of other benefits. Some of these benefits, such as the three listed below, are helpful for boosting your bottom line.

They Help Monitor the Property

While security guards are not maintenance workers, and they will usually train their attention toward people, rather than things, they can and should be alert for potential safety hazards while conducting their duties. They can't be expected to notice termite damage or a faulty plumbing valve, but they should notice and report things like broken windows and loose fence latches.

Prompt attention to such problems can help reduce energy costs and, as unchecked problems can become more expensive to repair if not addressed quickly, maintenance costs.

They Increase the Perceived Value of the Location

Retail centers with security officers are viewed as premium shopping destinations by shoppers. This helps you increase your prices for the goods and services you offer. It also helps to increase the draw of the location – particularly during the busy holiday season, when crime rates climb.

Even if your business is not open to the general public, security officers make employees feel safer in the work place. This not only improves the quality of your employees' work, it also helps while trying to recruit highly desirable employees.

Security Officers Can Reduce Insurance Premiums

While the safety of your staff, clients and customers is your primary concern, the financial ramifications of accidents and crimes cannot be ignored. The safer you keep your location, the lower your insurance premiums will be.

While security services do represent an additional expense, the funds allocated to them are usually offset by reductions in your insurance expenditures.

Security Officers Help Prevent Corporate Espionage

In the information age, secrets are some of your company's most valuable assets. Much of this espionage takes place in the digital world, but plenty of corporate secrets are still stolen by nefarious actors simply walking into an office, snooping around a little and walking out with a file or flash drive in their pocket.

While most members of the business community operate ethically, there will always be a few looking to take shortcuts and obtain this type of information in any way possible. However, with an appropriate security force and set of protocols in place, you can rest assured that your data and information is safe. Contact a company like S&S Security Services for more information.
