Locked Out Of Your Car In A Strange Neighborhood? Here’s What You Need To Do

In a rush, absent minded, or just stressed--all of these could lead you to making the common mistake of actually locking your car doors with the keys still inside. If you are like a lot of unlucky folks, you will manage to do this in a strange neighborhood, possibly after dark, where you feel quite uneasy about the whole situation. Finding yourself locked out of the only safety net you really have in a strange place can be scary, but as long as you follow a few simple safety rules, you will be perfectly fine until the locksmith gets to where you are.

Don't stand waiting like a sitting duck at your car.

One of the easiest ways to make yourself look vulnerable to someone who is looking to cause harm or harm you is to stand at your car, obviously waiting for help to arrive. If you stay near your vehicle, make yourself look busy. For example, you could stay on your phone even if you have no one to talk to just to make it look like you are doing something. There is nothing wrong with leaving your vehicle sitting so you can go somewhere more safe, such as a nearby business where there are plenty of people. Just let the locksmith know where they can find you when they arrive. 

Let a friend or family member know what is going on. 

If you get locked out of your car in an unfamiliar place where you feel you may be in danger, make sure you give a call to a locksmith right away, like Georges Lock & Security Service, but immediately after call up a close friend or family member and let them know what's going on. You may even be able to get someone to come to where you are and wait with you, which is always a good idea.

Kindly avoid strangers who offer their assistance.

There are always do-gooders who are willing to help you out when you are locked out of your vehicle, but it is often easy to misinterpret someone willing to help for someone who has ill intentions. Therefore, it is best to avoid those offering their assistance by letting them know you already have help on the way. If someone stops to help, make it known immediately that you have someone on the way who should be there at any second, and even pretend like you already have them on the phone if you want.
