What Personality Traits Should You Have To Work As A Security Guard?

The personality traits that you have can have an influence over whether you will be successful working at a security job or whether it is a career path that you may struggle with. If you are thinking about going into this line of work, here are a few of the personality traits that you should possess. 

A Great Communicator

In order to work as a security guard, you must be a great communicator. You need to be assertive when needed, yet also have the ability to sit back and listen to others. You need to be able to stop potential criminal activity, while also being a safe haven for those reporting information to you. If you are shy, have problems articulating, or have personality conflicts with a lot of people, this may not be the best line of work for you to get into. 


Another personality trait that is important to have if you wish to work in the security field is great instincts or an intuitive nature. Some people simply can tell when something is not right in their gut. This instinct may lead to them to watch potential criminals, help a lost child or help an individual in danger. You have to think quickly and make split second judgement on people in this line of work. Having great instincts helps. 

The Ability to Focus

Many people believe that being a security guard is a job that is always exciting. However, there can be times when it is mundane and boring. No matter what, you have to have the ability to focus when you are working this type of job. If you get easily distracted, fall asleep when you are bored or have trouble focusing, this may not be the best line of work for you. 


The last trait that you should possess if you are looking to work in the security field is honesty. As a security guard, you need to be honest and reliable. If you are not honest, your employer and law enforcement may not be able to believe you or take you at your word. This can make it hard for you to do your job efficiently and effectively. If you are honest, this may be a good path for you to go down. 

If you are looking to get into the security field, you may want to shadow a security guard for the day. This will give you a good idea as to what their job duties are and what qualities may be important to have when going into this line of work. 
