Scenarios That May Support Adding Security Guards To Your Premises

Any business, small or large, can become the victim of theft, vandalism, and verbal or physical altercations. Analyze the following scenarios and security measures to determine if utilizing security guards on your company's premises will be beneficial.

Reduced Stock And The Loss Of Company Materials

Reduced stock that is unaccounted for could be a sign that inside thefts (committed by employees) or outside thefts (committed by shoppers) are occurring. Even if you have some video surveillance equipment installed onsite, it may not capture every movement, especially if the cameras don't pan the entire area where wares are set up.

If the loss of company materials has been noticed, you may be concerned about some of your employees taking things that they have no authority over. A security guard that is assigned to observe the mannerisms of the people who frequent your business can deter theft, solely by being present.

If any type of wrongdoing is identified by a guard, they can apprehend the individual who has committed an act of crime and recoup materials that would otherwise result in a financial loss.

Late Hours Of Operation

If your business is open late at night, there may be occasions in which the premises seem rather empty. People who tend to burglarize commercial businesses may follow the patterns that pertain to a particular business and observe the way that things operate.

If an observation is made that makes a burglar feel confident about robbing your business, they may follow through with this plan, and the employees who are on duty will need to react to the crime. The results of a crime could be devastating and your employees may be injured during a robbery.

Having a security guard on-site will reduce the fear that your employees previously experienced concerning the possibility of a crime taking place while they are actively working. Additionally, a guard may be able to stop an individual prior to a burglary taking place.

A Poorly-Lit Lot

A poorly lit parking lot that is along the side or rear of your building may be scary to walk through, especially if it is late at night. An assailant can sneak up and attack someone or vandalism could occur.

Upon adding a security guard to the premises, a request can be made to have the guard drive through the lot at regular intervals. Guards who remain on foot can also be utilized. They can aid with walking people to their vehicles or monitoring the lot while standing on the curb that is adjacent to the parking area.
