Reasons To Secure Bail Bonds Even When You Can Afford Bail

When you are in custody awaiting court hearings, you can get released upon payment of an agreed sum of money. You pay a bail fee to secure release. You can pay the money or contact a bail bondsman who pledges to pay your bail bond and promises your appearance in court.

Your bail bondsman acts as an intermediary between you and the court. Working with a bail bond agency is more beneficial than handling the situation independently. Find out below why you should secure a bail bond even when you can afford the bail amount:

1. Your Bail Bondsman Holds You Accountable

Your bail bondsman is your surety and ensures that you attend all court dates. You will always receive reminder calls from your bail bondsman before the court date. Therefore, it is difficult for you to forget when you are needed for court appearances because of your bail bond agent's help.

You will also receive calls from your bail bondsman to remind you of any additional payments. 24-hour bail bonds also allow you to get services at any time of day.

2. It Saves You Money in the Long Run

You will be tempted to pay all the bail money and get done with it when you have enough savings. However, this move isn't a good idea since you'll simultaneously spend all of your savings. Courts set bail at hundreds or thousands of dollars. Your bail bondsman expects you to cater for ten percent of the set bail price.

When you work with a bail bondsman, you can devise a favorable payment plan to cover the price in installments. You will divide your income appropriately, so you save some money after the payments. Bail bondsmen also allow you to pay using secure online portals, credit cards, or checks.

3. Your Bail Bondsman Offer Additional Resources

Your bail bondsman avoids unwanted fees when you aren't rearrested. Therefore, you will receive the connections and resources you need to avoid trouble. For instance, your bail bondsman will help you get a stable job after your release. You can also get rehabilitation help and guidance to avoid rearrest from some bail bondsmen.


Getting arrested can disorient you, especially for the first time. You need to be smart about your choices if you want a quick release from custody. In retrospect, you will land in financial trouble if you spend all your savings on bail. Going solo can also predispose you to missing court dates and subsequent brushes with the law. Therefore, you should contact a bail bond agency for help.

To learn more, contact a local bail bondsman
